Mangalore City Police Restore Right Turn at Kankanady Circle: Know More About The Changes

Mangalore City Police Restore Right Turn at Kankanady Circle: Know More About The Changes

The city police have restored right turn at Kankanady Circle for vehicles going to Old Kankanady road from Valencia. It has withdrawn the order barring right turn, which had come into effect from Monday, March 21. Deputy Commissioner of Police (Crime and Traffic) B.P. Dinesh Kumar said slow movement of vehicles was seen on the Valencia Road following the ban on the right turn at Kankanady Circle.

There are two likely causes for this slow movement. One is the closure of Mahakalipadpu Road (for underpass construction) for which many vehicles going to Thokottu and beyond are coming on this road. The other reason is the new traffic signal installed at Karavali Junction. Therefore the city police decided to restore right turn at Kankanady Circle. There will be bar on taking right turn and straight movement at Kankanady Circle for vehicles coming from Falnir.

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