Much Needed Vehicular Overpass to Come up Near KPT Junction: Click For Details

Much Needed Vehicular Overpass to Come up Near KPT Junction: Click For Details

The National Highway Authority  of India has come up with plans to overcome traffic issues at main junctions. As a first phase preparations are on for vehicular overpass near KPT at a cost of Rs 40 crore. Trinity Group, builders from Hubballi have bagged the contract. An appeal has been sentto union minister in this regard from the district administration.

The vehicular overpass is much needed at KPT junction due to the traffic chaos is a daily affair. All vehicles arriving to the city and going to airport should go via this junction. The upcoming vehicular overpass will be built on both sides of the road and pedestrian service road too. All vehicles arriving to the city and going to airport should go via this junction. The upcoming vehicular overpass will be built on both sides of the road and pedestrian service road too.

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