National Dengue Day observed in Mangalore City

National Dengue Day observed in Mangalore City

May 17: District Health Officer Dr Ramakrishna Rao has said that efforts to stop the spread of dengue at the very source. Dr Rao addressed reporters at a programme organised to mark National Dengue Day organised by the Zilla Panchayat on Thursday, May 16.
He said dengue is an easily preventable disease if precautions are taken by individuals to ensure that there is no source for mosquitoes to breed. he explained that the aedes aegypti female mosquito can multiply in places with stagnant water. It starts with simple precautionary measures such as cleaning tanks, keeping the surroundings of outhouses, offices and institutions clean from such stagnant waters.
Since dengue has no confirmed cure, ample amount of rest, fruit juice along with primary medicines to treat the fever can be administered. In case of dengue haemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome, there is a need to be hospitalised.
One should ensure that there is no stagnant water around the houses in places such as terraces, flower pots, water tanks, tires and places where water can stay stagnant. There is a need to clean such places regularly. People with dengue should take precaution while interacting with babies, pregnant women and elderly. Guppy fishes can be released in tanks and wells such that the fish feeds on the larvae of mosquito.

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