This Hospital Achieved a Milestone by Performing a TAVI for the First Time in Mangalore

This Hospital Achieved a Milestone by Performing a TAVI for the First Time in Mangalore

December 7: The first Trans-catheter Aortic Valve placement/Implantation (TAVI/TAVR), a new a new technologically advanced minimally-invasive procedure in cardiology in coastal Karnataka was performed by Indiana Hospital and Heart Institute in Mangalore.
The new technology was  performed on an elderly patient, Samuel Daniel from Madikeri. The team of surgeons was headed by Chief Interventional Cardiologist and Managing Director of Indiana Hospital Dr Yusuf Kumble.
Kumble said Conventionally, an open-heart surgery is performed for replacing the aortic valve for treating aortic stenosis. But a majority of the elderly patients are not fit enough to undergo an open-heart surgery.  This is where TAVI becomes a boon to such patients as in this minimally-invasive procedure, the damaged valve is replaced by a new 26 mm valve through a keyhole procedure using a catheter as is done for angiogram.”H
e said, “The procedure takes about 2 hours, and the patient is taken out of the ICU in six hours’ time’.’

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