Protest Against Soaring Prices of Onions: These People Are Affected The Most!

Protest Against Soaring Prices of Onions: These People Are Affected The Most!

December 4: Inspite of importing onions from Egypt and Turkey, the prices of onions have not reduced. While the onions imported from Egypt was sold for Rs 80 per kg in the city, the price of Turkey onions are Rs 120 a kilo.
The traders are of opinion that the price may increase further increase.
With the rise in the price of onion, consumers have started rationing the use of onion. As a result, the number of lorries transporting onions from the Old Port to different parts of the district has reduced. Several labourers are jobless and are struggling to eke out a living. There is no system to check the increasing price of commodities in local markets. There is no control over middlemen and hoarders. Middlemen are fixing the price of onion. No measures have been taken to curtail the middlemen activities.
Bunder Shramikara Sangha general secretary B K Imthiyaz said that opposing the soaring price of onions and the middlemen menace, a union of coolies, daily wage earners and headload workers have decided to hold a protest at 9.30am on December 5, Thursday at Bunder, in Mangalore.


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