Public can join hands with Police to stop drug menace: This is what you need to do!

Public can join hands with Police to stop drug menace: This is what you need to do!

July 9: A meeting was organised by the District Administration to discuss the safety of female students in educational institutions on Monday. DCP (Law and Order) Hanumantharaya while speaking during the meeting said that the public should inform the police on drug suppliers. he promised that the identity of the informer will not be revealed.
DCP mentioned that the society should join hands with the police to control the menace as awareness alone cannot help in checking the menace. The parents of drug addict children should admit them to a rehabilitation centre and inform the police about the matter.
DCP stated that the ‘prescription drugs’ available in the market, is a challenge for the police. Along with this police have registered criminal cases for misuse of social media. Ban on mobile phones on campus,should be issued by district administration so that police can check randomly.  Every eye witnesses play an important roleto ensure that drug peddlers are punished in the court of law. To add on the pub and bar owners have been directed already to ensure that minors do not visit pubs and the timings of bars and pubs will be strictly enforced soon, said the officer.

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