QR Code Based Rapid OPD Registration Introduced at Wenlock District Hospital: This is How it Works

QR Code Based Rapid OPD Registration Introduced at Wenlock District Hospital: This is How it Works

The QR code-based rapid (outpatient department) OPD registration introduced at the Government Wenlock District Hospital in the city is evoking a good response. Over 50,000 patients have already availed tokens at the OPD by scanning the QR code at the Wenlock hospital in the past nine months.

The app helps patients to register at government hospitals and avail tokens without waiting in queue. The QR code-based OPD registration system under the e-hospital programme has also been introduced at the Government Lady Goschen Hospital and four taluk hospitals in Dakshina Kannada. The patients will be able to avail tokens by scanning the QR code using the mobile app DRiefcase.

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