Religious Heads join hands to clean areas surrounding Infant Jesus Church

Religious Heads join hands to clean areas surrounding Infant Jesus Church

July 22: Week 33 of Swacchata Abhiyan by Ramakrishna Mission (RKM) was carried out in Bikarnakatte July 21, Sunday. The shramadan was jointly flagged off in front of Main dwara of Infant Jesus Church in Bikarnakatta by Rev  Wilfred Rodrigues OCD,  Director of  Infant Jesus Church along with Anil Kumar, Regional Head, Epson India Ltd.
Three teams were formed under the guidance of Umanath Kotekar. Heaps of garbage near Kaikamba Overbridge were removed and the spot was cleaned by volunteers. The area near Nanthur Circle was cleaned and heaps of garbage was removed and the drains were cleared. Few volunteers cleaned the area near main entrance of Infant Jesus Church and leveled the ground. Old tyres which were lying in a nearby garage were removed and the garage owner along with the workers were educated about right disposal of used tyres. A Bus shelter was erected in Vamanjur last year. It was cleaned, seats were painted and hoardings about cleanliness were fixed.
Contact – 9448353162 – Swami Ekagamyananda, convener, Ramakrishna Mission Swacchata Abhiyan to take part in the Abhiyan. 

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