Shreemathi Shetty was all set for her 4th wedding on May 19

Shreemathi Shetty was all set for her 4th wedding on May 19

May 17: Shreemathi Shetty, a victim of brutal murder on May 11 in Mangalore was all set for her fourth wedding, which was planned for May 19. Shreemathi (35) had previously married Mahabala, Sudeep Shetty and Rajendra.
As per the information received from her neighbours on Amar Alva Road near Mangaladevi Temple, Shreemathi was preparing for her fourth wedding and her house was being repainted for this purpose.
Her third husband Rajendra said that they had a live-in relationship for about two years. They got married in May 2018 and were separated after two months. Shreemathi moved an application seeking divorce a month ago. The application is still pending in the family court, he said. Shreemathi was into chit fund business from the age of 16 years and ran an electrical wiring shop near Attavar. She had a reputation of being rash and short-tempered when it came to collecting debts. Rajendra said he knew Johanas, who was arrested for allegedly murdering Shreemathi and dismembering her corpse before disposing it at three different places as he visited him a couple of times to collect daily repayments, and knew he was capable of causing pain. But a murder was truly shocking, he said.

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