Social Media is now a part of Election Code of Conduct – DC Sasikanth Senthill

Social Media is now a part of Election Code of Conduct – DC Sasikanth Senthill

Deputy Commissioner Sasikanth Senthill addressed a joint press meet along with the City police Commissioner Sandeep Patil & DK District Superintendent of Police BM Lakshmi Prasad at DC Hall on Monday.

DC stated that social medial has been included in the election code of conduct by the election commission and any campaign in social medial like facebook & twitter will come the candidate’s expenditure list. Along with this, any kind of political advertisement on social media will need pre-certification. If a campaign on social media is done without the consent of the party candidate, action will be taken against such persons.

He even directed the organizers of the Yakshagana Plays to inform the Election officers about the plays well in advance rather than facing consequences later.  This is with regards to the yakshagana plays which will be used to campaign any political party or candidate.

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