Special Trains to Run During Navaratri & Deepavali Between Lokmanya Tilak Terminus (Mumbai) – Mangalore Junction

Special Trains to Run During Navaratri & Deepavali Between Lokmanya Tilak Terminus (Mumbai) – Mangalore Junction

Train No. 01185 Lokmanya Tilak Terminus – Mangalore Junction Festival Special will leave Lokmanya Tilak Terminus at 22.15 hrs on 20th, 27th October, 03rd, 10th, 17th, 24th November and 01st December, 2023 (Fridays) and reach Mangalore Junction at 17.05 hrs, the next day (07 Services).

Train No. 01186 Mangalore Junction – Lokmanya Tilak Terminus Festival Special will leave Mangalore Junction 18.45 hrs on 21st, 28th October, 04th, 11th, 18th , 25th November and 02nd December 2023 (Saturdays) and reach Lokmanya Tilak Terminus at 14.25 hrs, the next day (07 Services).

Coach Composition:- 1- AC Two Tier Coach, 5- AC Three Tier Coaches, 8 – Sleeper Class Coaches, 5 General Second Class Coaches, & 2 Second Class Coaches (Divyangjan Friendly).

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