Taps in the houses still dry inspite of heavy rain: Click to know why

Taps in the houses still dry inspite of heavy rain: Click to know why

July 11: A leakage in one of the main the pipelines from Thumbe near the Kannur Masjid on the outskirts of the city has disrupted the water supply to Mangalore city and the surrounding areas since Monday. This has caused a lot of inconvenience to the citizens of Mangalore.
The Mangalore City Corporation (MCC) is checking on the leakage from the two main supply pipelines from Thumbe vented dam to the city. There are two 18-MGD (million gallons a day) capacity pipelines (1,100-mm and 1,000-mm diameter sizes) from Thumbe.
During the repair, water from the second pipeline was also entering the damaged pipeline. Therefore water supply from both pipelines has been suspended. Repair works were taken up after removing soil from the damaged portion of the pipeline. The work is in progress and will be completed by Thursday.

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