This Gesture by ELC made little ones Happy

This Gesture by ELC made little ones Happy

What a beautiful way of showing our young ones, the beauty of nature and God’s precious gifts in the form of animals – curiosity meets tenderness, innocent peals of laughter meets playful antics and in the eyes of these lovely young children, they want to do so much in their own way of gifting, helping, loving our four-legged friends – yes of course, teaching them the right way, of living in harmony with other living beings.

Animal Care Trust, Shaktinagar, was invited today morning to spend time, taking a presentation, for the little tots, followed by a play time with the little fur-babies from the Shelter. What really surprised us was the way, the children were so eager to be there before time and spend quality time with the puppies and kittens and their pure innocence in bringing something or the other, that could be used at the Shelter. Thank you so much little ones!
That apart, it was also a lovely occasion when the Early Learning Centre, took it upon themselves, to sponsor the earthen Waterbowls, that will soon be placed at strategic places in and around the city, enabling stray animals and birds to quench their thirst in the hot days to come. And of course a lovely idea of getting Reflective Dog Collars ready for the Strays of the city, so that they will be easily visible, even in the dark nights.

Thank you very very much – the Students, Staff and the Management of Early Learning Centre!

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