Visit to Tannirbavi beach turns into nightmare for couple: Click to know why!

Visit to Tannirbavi beach turns into nightmare for couple: Click to know why!

April 23: A couple had visited Tannirbavi beach on Sunday afternoon, when a pervert abused and misbehaved with them. As per the information received from Panambur Police, the complainant was sitting near the beach on Sunday afternoon with her friend when a man walked up to them and caught hold of the boy, abused him, slapped and kicked him. He later went to the girl, forcefully tried to hug her and kissed on her cheeks and misbehaved with her.
The accused have been identified as Santhosh alias chimney santhu. A case has been booked against him under IPC section 323 for voluntarily causing hurt, 354 for assault or criminal force on woman with intent to outrage her modesty, 504 for intentional insult with an intent to to provoke breach of peace and 506 for criminal intimidation. The accused has been arrested and produced before the court.

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