Water crisis hits hotels, temple, hospitals in Udupi

Water crisis hits hotels, temple, hospitals in Udupi

May 15: As each day is passing, the number of visitors and the devotees arriving in Udupi is increasing. The hoteliers along with Krishna Mutt are at their wits’ end to tackle the acute scarcity of water.
Udupi district Hotel Owners’ Association President Thallur Shivaram Shetty said that they are depending on tankers to supply water for the last two months as they require huge quantity of water since large number of tourists flock the district to visit beaches and temples during the summer vacation.
Palimaru Mutt PRO Shreesha Bhat Kadekar said, Water from open wells and borewells in Udupi Krishna Mutt premises is used for cooking meals at the temple and the mutts. A minimum of four to five tankers of water is required for cleaning vessels and washing hands.
District hospital at Ajjarakadu is also depending on tankers to meet the water requirements. The water level in the well situated half-a-kilometre away from the hospital has been declining drastically. The hospital requires at least 8 to 10 tankers of water per day.
Along with hopstitals, hotels and temples even the residential areas are not spared from water problem. The authorities are supplying water to several
areas and villages through tankers.

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