White Doves rescues a destitute found on Mangalore streets & reunites him with his family

White Doves rescues a destitute found on Mangalore streets & reunites him with his family

July 12: A destitute was rescued and reunited with his family by White Doves on Monday, July 8. Corrine Rasquinha, while driving back home from work in the month of April, found a destitute clad in rags, lying on the road near Souza arcade, Balmatta Road. He was found to be thirsty and seemed to have had no food for weeks.
Corrine, along with her manager Jerald Fernandes, took him to White Doves. The destitute revealed his name as Basavaraju recovered at White Doves faster and was able to recollect images of his village. He was polio-stricken and weak in the limbs.
After taking him to White Doves, he was bathed, fed and given a bed to sleep. He was given uninterrupted counselling, after which he slowly regained his memory and shared details of his hometown and relatives. His family in Challekere taluk Chitradurga was contacted and informed about his details. On Monday morning, his brother-in-law and elder brother visited White Doves and took Basavaraju back to their hometown.
With this, White Doves now sets a unique record of reuniting 386 people with their families. White Doves is in its 25th year and has rehabilitated over 650 destitutes including men, women and children found loitering on the streets. Presently White Doves runs a 200-bed, first of its kind, psychiatric nursing and destitute home in Maroli.

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