Why did the state government withdrew 142 cases pending trial in courts across the state? MLA Dr Y Bharath Shetty.

Why did the state government withdrew 142 cases pending trial in courts across the state? MLA Dr Y Bharath Shetty.

April 12: Mangalore City North MLA Dr Y Bharath Shetty questions  Chief minister H D Kumaraswamy why the state government withdrew 142 cases pending trial in courts across the state. He alleged that the state government was trying to woo one section of the society, by withdrawing the cases against the accused in Ulaibettu incident in the district.
MLA stated that Several communal riots had taken place in the district when Congress government was in power. Now since the district has seven BJP MLAs and there are no communal incidents reported. This clearly indicates that the people of the district love peace and development.
Regarding the Congress Manifesto he said that it speaks about several issues but does not tell on how to bring them into reality. The amount of grants released to Dakshina Kannada district by Siddaramaiah government and coalition government in Karnataka should be made known to the people of the district.
Shetty accused that the Congressfailed to take up the work on Kulai jetty, for the benefit of fishermen who were displaced when port was built at Panambur, but the sitting MP Nalin Kumar Kateel ensured that the foundation for the jetty was laid a few months ago.
He said that MP Nalin Kumar Kateel has brought development works worth Rs 16,500 crore to the district in the last five years. He demanded that the Congress leaders must inform the people on the amount of funds released by the state government to the district.

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