Will Jeppinamogaru Village in Mangalore be Declared as Nethravathi Island Conservation Reserve

Will Jeppinamogaru Village in Mangalore be Declared as Nethravathi Island Conservation Reserve

September 26: A proposal to declare the islands of Nethravathi in Jeppinamogaru, on the outskirts of Mangalore, as Nethravathi Island Conservation Reserve is likely to be discussed by the State Board for Wildlife in Bengalore on Thursday.  The proposal was mooted by former member of the Board Surya Addoor a few years ago. The island is situated in Jeppinamogaru (survey number 94, 55 and 59) with a total area of 19.87 sq km.

Addoor said this is an unique island and has to conserved. There are over 60 winter birds, migratory birds and resident birds. In addition, it is a breeding ground for river turtles. The island acts as a good habitat for birds and river turtles. It had good mangrove vegetation in the past, which was removed over a period of time by fishermen and others. However, there is Acrostichum vegetation, which grows in the mangroves on the island. It has fruit-bearing trees like mango, jackfruit and bamboo, he added.
DCF V Karikalan said a proposal had been submitted to the government. The island has old plantations taken over by the Forest department way back in the 1980s on a 10-hectare land.
there is also a plan to plant a few more ficus trees like banyan, which provide not only shelter, but also food for birds. There are plans to grow bamboo on the periphery of the island.

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