Work on golden sheet covering of rooftop of Sri Krishna Temple launched.

Work on golden sheet covering of rooftop of Sri Krishna Temple launched.

The work on golden sheet covering of rooftop of Sri Krishna Temple was  launched by Paryaya Seer Vidyadheesha Theertha Swami recently.
During this occasion a special prayer along with various religious rituals like Narasimha Mantra Homa, Sri Tatvamantra Homa, Sri Vishnu Gayatri Mantra Homa, Sri Krishna Mantra Homa were performed.
Several Spiritual scholars like Herga Vedavyas Bhat, Chitrapura Goplakrishna Acharya and Ramamurthy Bhat also took part in the rituals. Palimaru seer said that the roof would contain gold and silver content along with copper and wood.
The seer said that the work will take around 2.5 months to be completed and devotees will not face any inconvenience in getting the darshan of Lord Krishna, through Kanaka Kindi.
A Mutt scholar mentioned that “The existing rooftop has a history of 800 years & the existing copper plates covering the rooftop are in a dilapidated condition and once it is removed, it would be given as ‘Prasad’ to the donors.

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