Upanayana guests get saplings as return gifts

Upanayana guests get saplings as return gifts

May 12: Sathish Acharya who runs an automobile business gifted saplings to guests who attended the ‘Brahmopadesha Upanayana’ (thread ceremony) of his son in Kinnigoli on Friday. He had procured 1400 Ramphala, teak, rosewood, gooseberry and other varieties of saplings in order to distribute them to guests attending the thread ceremony of his son, Pratham.
Banners with catchy phrases like,  ‘Plant a sapling to remember the day’, ‘The saplings will be of great use to the future generation’ were also erected at the venue. There were also messages on judicious use of water, catchy phrases like `Hasire Namma Usiru’ and `Hasire Namma Devaru’ at the venue.
Sathish Acharya said that the objective behind the initiative was to increase the green cover in the surroundings and to create awareness among people on the need to conserve nature.



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